
psilocybe mexicana


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The Psilocybe mexicana has played an important role. in the (recent) history of psychedelic mushrooms. The indigenous people of South America were familiar for thousands of years. With the operation of psychedelic mushrooms. but this phenomenon has always been unknown to the Western population. Only in 1957, it was Albert Hofmann (discoverer of LSD). Who isolated and identified the substances psilocybin. and psilocin in his laboratory in Switzerland. He did this with this species, the Psilocybe mexicana. The mushrooms of the Psilocybe mexicana had been bred for this purpose.
The Psilocybe mexicana is one of the few psilocybin mushroom species. that also produces magic truffles (sclerotia). Unfortunately, for legal reasons. We can not offer mushrooms of this species. But , it is possible to sell the magic truffles of this species in the Netherlands. Furthermore, there are two varieties of mexicana mushroom. Psilocybe mexicana A and Psilocybe mexicana B . A is the only one of these two, that produces magic truffles. Therefor the magic truffles we sell are of the Psilocybe mexicana A.


The effects of the Psilocybe Mexicana are rather mild. But should not be underestimat at all. Most users perceive the reality pretty after only 5 grams of these truffles. Mild visuals, sharper senses and a social notion will make you feel well, funny, confused. sometimes weird. One tends to “think outside the box” and be more creative and philosophical. All this accompanied by a feeling of euphoria. Most users report this as being a fantastic adventure. and experience – and not only because of the fits of giggles. Our rating for the Psilocybe Mexicana is 2.5 out of 5.


The Psilocybe mexicana truffles are the mildest in our range. The effects of fresh magic truffles are already present at a dose of 5 grams, but not very strong. From 10 grams on, we talk about a medium trip and a full pack of 15 grams results in a strong trip for most people. These amounts are averages and. since there are some variables present. Such as sensitivity to psilocybin, body weight, full empty stomach. and so on, may be different for each person. Always start with a low dose. magic truffles eaten or used as a tea (let it simmer for 20 minutes, don’t let the water boil). First effects are already felt after 15-30 minutes.


The above effects described in response to many users experiences. Besides, the ultimate effects of magic truffles vary from person to person. and depend on the “set and setting”. Thus read all our information pages about magic truffles. so you can prepare yourself . Do not use magic truffles if you do not feel good. Or if you’re depressed or have a psychotic / schizophrenic predisposition. Do not use magic truffles in combination with other psychotropic medications. Do not use magic truffles under the age of 18. And finally, of course, it is unwise to run a vehicle.

Proper Cultivation for Psilocybe Mexicana Mushrooms

Psilocybe mexicana is one of the most well-known psilocybin mushroom strains. that develop sclerotia. These sclerotia are the same as the fruiting body of mushrooms . With their only differences being appearance and location. Sclerotia develop underground instead of above like mushrooms. Sclerotia is the part of Psilocybe mexicana which people refer to as “magic truffles.”
Psilocybe mexicana is a Central American magic mushroom. It’s found throughout the jungle regions of Mexico and Guatemala. where it grows near oak, alder, and plane trees. On rare occasions, it can also grow in the swampy subtropical areas of the United States. particularly in Florida.
It’s identifiable because of its cap measuring between 3 to 5 centimeters . when young, expanding to a flatter convex cap with age. It fruits between June and September, producing sepia to dark brown spores.

Varieties of psilocybe mexicana

Among the hundreds of magic mushroom varieties. Psilocybe mexicana is one of those that became intertwined with tradition: “There is a world beyond ours that is far away, nearby, and invisible. And that is where God lies. where the dead live. the spirits and the saints, a world where everything has already happened. and everything known. That world… has a language of its own.”
These are the words of Maria Sabina, a Mazatec medicine woman. Psilocybe mexicana and other entheogenic species such as peyote. and morning glory were use in religious and ritualistic contexts. Of all the Aztec entheogens. Psilocybe mexicana is the most widely-used to call upon visions and divine knowledge. It also has the local name of tenonancatl which translates to “god’s flesh.”  Aztec rulers used to keep priests on hand whose role is to divine the future. through psilocybin-induced visions.
Psilocybe mexicana is a mild psychedelic mushroom. But that doesn’t mean it should underestimated. One can still expect the usual visuals associated with Psilocybe cubensis. accompanied by a strong feeling of happiness. and occasional fits of laughter.
Although Psilocybe mexicana called mild. its effects can still depend on many factors such as body weight, mental state, and metabolism. It’s recommended to start with a low dose and work from there. Like most forms of magic mushrooms. Psilocybe mexicana can be fresh eaten, dried, or concocted as tea.


Although they have the same effects as magic mushrooms. magic truffles from Psilocybin mexicana have some advantages. In some countries such as the Netherlands. magic mushrooms are illegal while magic truffles are not. This led to the proliferation of magic truffles sold in smart shops.
This guide compiles the steps in growing Psilocybe mexicana. which will develop truffles more known as sclerotia.
Let’s get started!
Preparation of Substrate
When growing magic mushrooms, choosing a substrate is an important decision. A substrate is any substance where mycelium can grow. Many different materials can be considered a substrate – from logs to coffee grounds.
Some of the most common substrates (arranged from the best to least optimal) are:
  • Rye Berries
  • Rye Grass Seed (RGS)
  • Wild Bird Seed (WBS)
  • Brown Rice Flour (BRF)


The following are the steps to prepare substrate from rye berries:

  1. Brew a full pot (2 quarts) of strong coffee
  2. Heat 2-2.5 gallons of water in a separate pot and add the coffee.
  3. Add two teaspoons of gypsum and stir.
  4. Measure your rye while the water and coffee mixture is heating.
  5. You need to use a cup of rye for every quart jar.
  6. Rinse the grains to remove debris and once the water runs clear and the coffee/water mixture is hot. turn off the stove and dump in the grains.
  7. Stir the mixture and cover. Let it sit for 4-24 hours.
  8. Bring it back up to a boil for 10-15 minutes.
  9. Turn off the stove and strain the grains. Make sure the surface of kernels are completely dry.
  10. Once completely dry, store them in jars with synthetic filter disks.
  11. Cover the lids and put a layer of aluminum foil on them.
  12. Pressure cook these jars for 90 minutes then remove.
  13. Once the jars are room temperature, remove the foil.
Now they’re ready to inoculated with mycelium! Inoculation with Psilocybe mexicana

Once you have a spore print or a spore syringe you can inoculate the substrates.

  1. Shake the syringe to dispense the spores .
  2. Put the needle into the jars and push the spore solution into the substrate jars.
If the needle comes in contact with any unsterile material. or surface, you will have to re-sterilize it. Heat the needle using a Bunsen burner until the needle glows red. After that, let the needle cool off for a few seconds before using it.
Once you’ve inoculated the substrate, sit back and watch them grow.
The sclerotia or the truffles will usually. form before the mycelium colonizes the substrate. If you see stones forming a little early, understand that it’s normal.
Also, it’s not necessary to shake the jar at 30% colonization as opposed to what other online resources say.
Harvesting the Truffles After a couple of month, your truffles should be ready to harvest.
  1. Get a spoon and sanitize it with alcohol.
  2. Scrape out the substrate and separate it from the sclerotia.
  3. Clean the truffles with a sterilized brush and store them in fresh paper bags for weeks. or you can dry them to store them for a longer time.
And there you go! You’ll have a stock of magic truffles from Psilocybin mexicana that you can store for future use.
While growing your own magic truffles from Psilocybin mexicana. is a fun learning experience. you can also buy ready-to-grow magic truffle grow kits online! These grow kits guaranteed to produce magic truffles in a few days!
where do psilocybe mexicana grow?
Psilocybe mexicana grows alone. or in small groups among moss along roadsides and trails. humid meadows or cornfields, in particular in the grassy areas bordering deciduous forests. Common at elevations between 300–550 metres (980–1,800 ft), rare in lower elevations. known only from Mexico, Costa Rica and Guatemala.

What are Psilocybe mexicana and Psilocybe Cubensis?

The two Mexican species Psilocybe mexicana and P. cubensis (former Stropharia cubensis). Hallucinogenic mushrooms used in religious ceremonies. By the Indians of Mexico were considere sacred. and called “god’s flesh” by the Aztecs.

How potent is Psilocybe Cubensis?

The most used mushroom is Psilocybe cubensis. which contains 10–12 mg of psilocybin per gram of dried mushrooms. effective oral doses range from 6 to 20 mg. and about 40 µg/kg considered the threshold level for intoxication.

Is Psilocybe Cubensis poisonous?

baeocystis, and P. cubensis [40]. The toxicity symptoms of psilocybin develop 30 min after ingestion of these mushrooms. reported symptoms of this intoxication include hypertension, tachycardia. visual problems, nausea, anxiety, asthenia, vertigo, mydriasis, motor incoordination, and disorientation

Is Psilocybe mexicana legal?

Psilocybe mexicana is popular in all its forms. some of which are legal depending on local jurisdiction. Along with fruiting bodies (mushrooms), P. mexicana forms sclerotia and psilocybin-containing mycelium.

Can you eat psilocybin mushrooms?

It’s recommended to start with a low dose and work from there. Like most forms of magic mushrooms. Psilocybe mexicana can, dried eaten, or concocted as tea. Although they have the same effects as magic mushrooms. magic truffles from Psilocybin mexicana have some advantages.

What is psilocybin enriched sclerotia?

Psilocybe Galindoi is another one of the rare mexicana mushroom. strains that produce psilocybin enriched sclerotia also referred to as “magic truffles”. or “philosopher stones”. The sclerotia are small nuggets that grow under the soil and is a survival mechanism for the fungi.

What is the difference between psilocybin and mycelium?

Along with fruiting bodies (mushrooms), P. mexicana forms sclerotia and psilocybin-containing mycelium. Both of the latter forms can be found online and for sale in some cities and countries. Both have lower potency per dry weight compared to the mushrooms themselves. with mycelium containing only small amounts of psilocybin.

Psilocybe mexicana A, Psilocybe mexicana B


14grams, 28grams, 56grams, 7grams


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